We would rather cut down the price than keep a large quantity of goods in stock. 我们宁肯降低价格,也不愿积压大量货物。
So we should cut down the fixed capital investment, reduce price and stimulate consumption in order to promote economy growth. 目的在于适当降低固定资产投资、降低物价、刺激消费,进而拉动经济增长。
When it is running, therefore, cut down costs and improve the proportion of function to price. 这样,节约了成本,提高了系统的性能/价格比。
In fact, telemarketing model is an important model for marketing. it can cut down the marketing chain and reduce operational costs. It has a large price advantage. 电话营销模式能够缩短营销环节,减少许多运营成本,有较大的价格优势。